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Biology Educational Training Kits : Microscope Slides - Cells, Tissues Exporters

Glass microscope slides (plain and concave), slide coverslips, microscope slide making kits, biological stains, and more to prepare your own slides.


Prepared Microscope Slides - Our prepared slides show top quality specimens in Zoology, Botany, General Biology, Histology, Parasitology, Embryology, Fungi, Monera, and Protista. Single slides and sets available.

Please contact us for a complete listing of available slides.

+ Phytology
+ Zoology
+ Plant pathology
+ Human anatomy
+ Bacteriology
+ Fungi
+ Algae
+ Parasitology

Simple Columnar Epithelium Ciliated Pseudostratified Epithelium-trachea t.s. Hyaline Cartilage - Xiphoid sec. Adipose Tissue sec. Developing Longbone l.s. Smooth Muscle l.s. & t.s. Skeletal Muscle l.s. & t.s. Cardiac Muscle l.s. & t.s. Spinal Cord in situ Eye - Retina t.s. Tastebuds, Circumvallate Papillae t.s. Human Bloodsmear - Normal Lymphnode sec. Artery, Vein & Nerve t.s. Skin v.s. Lung with Bronchus t.s. Kidney t.s. showing medualla and cortex Stomach, Fundic Region sec. Jejunum for intestinal villi Liver sec. Pancreas sec. Thyroid Gland sec. Ovary with Graafian Follicles sec. Testis t.s. for Spermatogenesis, Simple Cuboidal Epithelium Strat. Squam. Epithelium Non-kerat. - cheek Transitional Epithelium - urinary bladder Areolar Connective Tissue w.m. Fibrocartilage sec.- intervertebral disc Elastic Cartilage - Pinna t.s. Compact Bone, Ground t.s. Dorsal Root Ganglion l.s. Cerebrum sec. Cerebellum sec. Eye Anterior - Cornea sec. Cochlea in situ Vaterpacinian Corpuscle Human Bloodsmear - Leukocytosis Bone Marrow Smear Developing Mammal Tooth in situ Salivary Gland Oesophagus t.s or /Stomach junction Duodenum with Brunner's glands t.s. Illeum t.s. Colon t.s. Pituitary Gland sec. Adrenal Gland l.s. Uterus proliferative phase t.s. Uterus secretory phase t.s.



Microscope Slides - Prepared Microscope Slide Biology - Exporters. Exporter of prepared microscope slide for school labs, lab glass slides, prepared slide, microscope glass slides, biology slide, permanent glass slides, microscope.
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